Latest News - Nigel’s Blog


My story on BBC 3 Counties Radio

20th September 2017 | Posted in Nigel's Blog

Last week I did an interview with BBC 3 counties radio.  If you would like to hear Nigel explain the Home Leone vision then just click on the link

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Sharing the vision with the International Community

13th September 2017 | Posted in Nigel's Blog

The leader of the Sierra Leonean Disaster response group asked Nigel to share the Home Leone vision with the International community.  Since a mudslide engulfed many homes on 14 August, killing probably over 1,000 people, the leaders of the major NGO’s, embassies and response leaders have met every day at 9am to discuss response progress. The opportunity to present a…

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Delivering Personal help to slum families

8th September 2017 | Posted in Nigel's Blog

The Sierra Leone mudslide is truly awful and hearing stories first hand this week makes you almost cry. Yet the tragedy of Sierra Leone slums go on.  As Home Leone is focused on a long term low cost housing and community development solution, we decided to take help to those we are working with in the flooded slums of Freetown….

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A Closer Look

2nd September 2017 | Posted in Nigel's Blog

In the morning I return to Sierra Leone.  We have a busy week ahead sharing with those in the slums affected by the mudslides and flood.  We also hope to meet with those in government and NGO’s addressing long term solutions for slum dwellers and those affected by the disasters. I will be speaking for about 20 minutes on Three…

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One Kind Act

24th August 2017 | Posted in Nigel's Blog

It is an honour that the amazing charity “One Kind Act” have chosen to get behind Home Leone’s vision.  They held a Garden party on 12 August which proved to be so timely, as the loss of life and housing in Sierra Leone happened, with the collapse of Sugar Mountain, only 2 days later. Gathering about 175 people in a…

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Personally Challenged

20th August 2017 | Posted in Nigel's Blog

Have you ever been confronted by “compassion fatigue? “This morning in Church, we focused on a passage that I found very difficult.  1 John 3 v 17 said “if anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in them?  Let us not love…

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