Home Leone is a unique, holistic, sustainable solution to Freetown’s informal slums. This landmark, social entrepreneurial initiative, enables opportunities for many to relocate to new communities.
We aim to upgrade slums or relocate the hundreds of thousands of people currently living in abhorrent condition of Freetown’s slums. To present to the world a working model, by releasing the people’s potential, using our experience, fresh insight and Gods love. Some of the poorest, who currently live in dangerous sea and hillsides can move from devastating conditions, to a new way of life. The pilot, Destiny Village, is delivering over 300 quality 1-4 bed homes, at a direct cost of £4,000 ($6,250) to £8,500 ($10,625). Each home contributes to a vibrant, sustainable and healthy communities. We are already radically improving lives and opportunity in a nation facing so many challenges.
This is a remarkable high value-for-money charity. It’s delivering a 7-fold strategy providing for
In part, this is being delivered by corporate teams working alongside local people as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs. Participants and partners are on a journey of self-discovery and team building that helps the world’s poorest whilst effecting powerful personal and corporate transformation.
Our mission is to create a movement, developing villages with thousands of low cost homes, supporting businesses, community infrastructure, education and training, enabling beneficiaries to make the most of their opportunities. To seek to see the model replicated by others.
We want to see nations free of slum living. As a non-profit, creating a significant holistic and sustainable movement, our pilot “Destiny Village” will enable thousands to exit Sierra Leone’s slums. This community-led relocation plan has already moved over 300 people who this year don't have water and sewage filling their homes. Our programmes include skills development, vocational training and social justice initiatives maximising the effective use of vital infrastructure.”
You might say what difference can we make to such massive need?
It is summed up by the story of the boy who saw thousands of dying starfish on the beach. He picked one up and threw it in the water, then another. His mother said, “what are you doing, how can you make any difference here?” The boy picked up another starfish, threw it back into the water, and replied – “I made a difference to that one and that one.…”
Each life we touch is so precious!