1st November 2015 | Posted in Cycle and Run with Home Leone 2020, Latest News

Yoo hoo.

So we are at week 1 and there has been so much going on!
So first is the progress on the site, which has gone well. We have picked up our 2 brick making machines, the 2 sieves to grade the earth ready for making blocks on Monday. See Pics

We have employed 6 labour and 2 skilled men, and employed a neighbour who wants to cook lunch for all our men. She is very happy for the work. We have dug down at least 1m on some 3 x 3 x 3m drainage tanks that will serve the chicken farm, first houses and piggery. The good news is that the soil from about a foot down is suitable for making our own bricks!

Back home with the container, one of the final Items to get is the generator for site which has been found and Dave Follet from Kingson Electrical firstly advised on the best one to get then very generously chipped in towards a big slice of the cost too!

Sarah, Kathrine and the team are all moving together to get the most important government registrations completed and adjusting to the new roles with money and running of the house. We have a great lady called Evelyn who comes and helps with stunning African cooking and is just really pleasant to have in the house.

A nice story is that when we were here one month ago Evelyn was telling Sarah about her boy who has Autism and suffers culturally here a lot because people can think it is caused by all sorts of weird things here. So as it was something close to heart for Sarah, we ordered a book off amazon, when we got back, that explained in simple terms with pictures how Autism affects people’s behaviour.
Evelyn was fascinated and took the book home to read with her family. The next day she came back and told us that there was a mannerism in the book that her dear boy displayed that caused the family to beat him even just the day before. So she was able to show the family members the book and explain that this was not something sinister, but part of his ‘medically known’ condition. Evelyn said it has really helped the families attitude towards him.
The moral of the story for me is that with a quite small amount of care and gental education peoples lives can be changed for the good permanently sometimes.

Team HomeLeone on site.

Team HomeLeone on site.

We are getting Settled day by day and have the peace that comes from God resting in us. We are looking forward to all the challenges ahead and hope we can handle the heat without melting down.
We will keep you all posted,

Thanks for all your prayers and Support.

Love Joe and Sarah ×× ><>


Living Seeds Training

Living Seeds Training


The Engine room

The Engine room


good Soil

good Soil

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