Visit of The British High Commissioner and DFID

21st July 2018 | Posted in Nigel's Blog

We were honoured to have Guy Warrington, the British High Commissioner and Angela Spilsbury from DFID visit our village.  It was most insightful as we were able to share our vision and hear their perspectives on a range of issues in the country.


One Response to “Visit of The British High Commissioner and DFID”

  1. Laura Tompkins says:

    I can’t help but be impressed from a distance! How much more so ‘in the flesh’…

    #DFID can only do what is within theis remit.
    Let’s claim that – common sense will prevail.
    If an Economical Village can be built with donations from kind hearted visionaries, how much more would be achieved with International funding!

    Leap frogging all the ‘middle men’ who want a slice of the monies!

    Please keep doing what you’re doing and may our God – All Mighty have His purposes fulfilled for these poor people.


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