
28th May 2015 | Posted in Latest News

As well as the well being under way I have made progress on other fronts here too. We are now proud owners of a 20 foot long shipping container and I have had it delivered to site. It’s a bit battered and needs a sloped roof on it to keep the rain and heat off of it, however, it is home now to our caretaker and possibly me too if we finish late at night at any time!


The purchase was reasonably straight forward, however the transporting it to site was typical of Salone! The lorry with a crane turned up….. just….. the gearbox only changed when it wanted to. Possibly related to Frank the Land Rover!! We jumped on and went to the location of the container. It was so dangerous watching these men operate the crane it was to the point of “Laugh or cry”!!! Not a single one knew which lever to operate to make the jib do what they wanted….. it was all done by trial and error. A complete comedy!! That said, they managed to get it strapped down on top of the lorry without killing anyone and only slightly knocking over a mango tree! God was certainly looking out for us all. We then made the small journey to get it to our site. The offload went I a similar fashion to the loading….. but once again there were no deaths!


So, a well, and a shipping container….. anything more u ask?! Yes!! I have been busy pouring “starter” post to be inserted into the ground to define our land and to eventually fence the perimeter. So tomorrow morning, bright and early I will be going to site with all available resources to install them on site and construct a roof for the container. Welding storm brackets so the roof doesn’t blow off during the rainy season, clearing land. digging holes. painting the container….. its all go!!


Hope you are all well, I hope to upload pictures soon. To fill out the gaps in the appalling writing!



One Response to “Progress”

  1. Deanne Beardsmore says:

    Hi Ian, I’m back from USA and hitting the ground running! Just caught up on all your blogs and, my word, what a life you are living! Don’t ever doubt that the Lord is with you because I think it’s very clear that He’s sitting just by your shoulder guiding your every move. I know you think He’s not acting quick enough but just think about it… you’re already feeling tired and near exhaustion. Could you take things moving at a faster pace???? You’ve made great strides in the time you’ve been there and you should be very proud of what you’ve achieved and very thankful too.
    I hear that you are coming back home this month and we are all looking forward to hearing all your news. Continuing good luck to you Ian and God bless you!

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