Hi There,
What a month! As we stood on The Mall in the crowds we were moved by the service, the national anthem and then the coffin with the new King and his family passing by. The end of an era. The day after the media seemed to return to offering us the huge challenges of the day. The most difficult thing for Home Leone is perhaps the collapse of the Pound. We have to work much harder to achieve the same buying power abroad.
So, let’s bring some GOOD NEWS! In the last 6 weeks we have moved another 13 families to Destiny Village and opened the secondary school, so we have nearly 300 children in child centred learning, something in itself that is changing a nation, one by one. Ibrahim and Mariatu, whose house flooded just a few weeks ago, send their love and say thank you. Your prayers and financial support have made a transforming difference to their lives and that of their children.
We are also looking at raising funds in America. If you have any contacts who can help, we would love to hear from you.
If you are able to help us financially, practically or in prayer, we are deeply grateful. In particular we do need additional unrestricted support at this time.
Thank you so much.
Much Love,

Nigel Hyde
Executive Chairman and Founder

2 New classrooms and the joy of a new term
We are deeply grateful for the gift of 2 new completed classrooms at Destiny Grace Academy. These are hosting our year 8, as we undertake our first year delivering that grade. We now have 12 classrooms and received the funding for one more, which start’s being built in October. This will provide our primary school with additional space as it continues to grow.
The school vision continues as we seek a new head teacher and build towards the day we can deliver quality education to over 800 children! It costs us about £20 per month per child. If that is something you would like to contribute towards it would be a great help.
Our bank details are:
Account name – Home Leone Limited
Sort Code 30-90-89
Account number 39610168

We have just designed the senior secondary school as we start to seek funds for that so great and exciting vision.

This is Kabba from our accounts department. We have just had our annual accounts examined and in 2021/2, we turned over £914,000. 2/3 of this comes from the development of our construction and other businesses, in our quest for a sustainable model. This kept us going in a year significantly affected by COVID. It contributed significantly to our livelihood goals, employing over 150 people at times. Each person supports so many others that this contributes to income sustaining over 1,500 people.
The challenging part has been getting sufficient supervisory leaders and our ability to minimise the theft. Now Andrew has been with us a few months, he has worked hard at our internal controls, and we are seeing the benefits throughout the organisation. It is these foundational developments that give us the confidence that as others invest in the vision we can deliver it in more effective ways.
Sierra Leone has also taken 3 zeros off its currency so 16,000 to the Pound has become 16 to the pound. This is interesting for our accounts part way through the year.

We were thankful again to have about a dozen helpers join us on 17 September as we loaded another container. This one was funded through our work with Build on Books, form Marlow and with their funding, we have built a school assembly hall and now accommodation for 12 teachers. Hypnos beds kindly donated beds and a company called Mediakind, donated cupboards and desks. Mazars accountants donated £12,500 which bought a truck in Sierra Leone and we shipped a roller we bought from here. We were also delighted to ship some children’s playground equipment for which funding was wonderfully donated. ShoeAid and WorkAid, together with some kind individuals meant we rammed the container! It should be there in early November.

Water bagging
Osman Sillah joined us in June. What a wonderful leader to have in our midst. He has taken responsibility for our businesses of which water bagging is an important element. We are excited that this is being operated and led by the ladies of our village. Clean drinkable water is not readily available for most Sierra Leoneans and they drink it from plastic bags. A few years back, a wonderful couple donated 2 machines and we can produce up to 1,500 bundles of 20 bags a day. These get shipped to distribution points and some customers collect.
The plastic is the main cost component and with cartels, rainy seasons and waste it’s been difficult to get an effective business model. This seems to be coming under Osman’s leadership. The joy is seeing the smile on the ladies faces who feel a part of something good. We are also looking at how we can bring a plastics recycling factory to our village.

Selecting Families
Over the last 6 months, Andrew Kondoh, our village chief, with Emmanuel, our church pastor, have been working with community leaders in the slums. This has meant detailed briefing, interviews, invitations to the village, skills assessments and understanding the personal need. We still have another few homes to fill so this work will continue.

We are excited to be in discussion with a group called “Compassion Medical” to develop our health offering in the country. At present we offer what we can, point people to helpful places and pay for many surgical interventions, sometimes that are life critical. Earlier this year Rebecca, from York, came as a dentist to the village and we are excited that a team of 12 are coming over Christmas. Their potential here for more interventions in oral healthcare are mouth-watering.