
9th April 2015 | Posted in Latest News

I’m good….. or “fine” as is used here!

I haven’t suffered any ill effects at all to be honest. I take my malaria tablets regularly. I eat well……. probably too well in fact! Stress levels vary day to day dependent of what I’m doing! I worry lots about where the next penny is coming from, but I know in my heart that provision will be found, and worrying wont help…….. its a hard concept to get your head around, well, it is for me!

Life in the last three months has been a roller coaster ride in many senses. That’s not to say its all been bad, in fact there have been many more highs than lows. Without a doubt, life is not easy here…… not for a westerner that is accustomed to creature comforts. I say creature comforts, but really I mean things like continuous water and electricity……. it just doesn’t happen here! If the power is out, you have to do without, or listen to a generator all day! If the tap runs dry, you may have to wash at the pump (tap)! If you have money, food is plentiful here…. they don’t really get vegetarians…. but I’m teaching them! Having a fridge that sometimes has power and sometimes doesn’t makes you buy just enough of things that they don’t spoil. But……. You have to put this in context…… not having the above is inconvenient, but I have far far more than even the average income Sierra leonian, let alone the poorest. So a few hardships aren’t even worth mentioning in my opinion.

I think the biggest frustration is communications, we are so used to instant access to the internet or facebook and alike. Its here, but its very very slow. I think that’s where I do have an advantage over the younger generation to be honest. I’m old enough to remember the days prior to mobile phones and the internet!! I know I’m an old git! I do think people who have never known any different will struggle more and maybe feel more isolated. If you stay in a hotel you may not notice so much, however, if you live here…… its apparent!

I have found more time for me and some of the things that I promised myself prior to coming out. So I’m dragging my work/life balance back into check. I obviously miss lots of people, church here is very different, although I’ve been welcomed tremendously, I still miss my friends back at St. Helen’s and St. Nic’s. Family is also an obvious one. And I have some really special friends that I also miss dearly. I console myself with the fact that we are attempting something really worthwhile. I pray to God that we make a difference to many people here.

I’m going to leave it at that.

Going to Skype some of those mentioned above.

Lots of Love, God bless you all.



2 Responses to “Me”

  1. Mum & Dad (& Belle) says:

    Ian – just to let you know that I’ve been speaking to Auntie Pat on the telephone – she sends her love and thanks you for your thoughts – it’s wonderful what our prayers can do isn’t it? Lots of love – MUM XXX

  2. Danie says:

    Your in our thoughts and prayers too ducky….your not the kind of person who is easy to forget lol….your missed by our lot and all send positive messages of respect for what your doing…stay strong Fred xx

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