Latest News - Nigel’s Blog


Farewell to the shop

15th March 2016 | Posted in Nigel's Blog

On Friday we closed our Home Leone Charity shop in Luton.  After an initial 4 months of growth and development, sales dropped off significantly and after a very poor December  and January we decided to close it.  As a friend said, if you are going to fail, fail quickly!  This is disappointing as we had hoped to develop our name around…

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30th January 2016 | Posted in Nigel's Blog

When a corporate team comes to a new culture and climate and works among the poor, it brings many challenges.  Not just to our own comfort zones but about our attitudes and approach to life.  When plans are made that don’t work our or expectations not met, its how we respond that counts.  We hit a major problem with the…

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26th January 2016 | Posted in Nigel's Blog

The team have sponsored the building of an Acquaponics farm.  This looks a great idea and could fit into the Sierra Leone plan.  We have an expert from Thailand leading the installation. Basically there are 3 types here but they all depend on a symbiotic relationship of fish and plants.  The opportunity to grow quality fruit and vegetables and sell…

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In Country Orientation

25th January 2016 | Posted in Nigel's Blog

when a team visits a new culture its vital they take the time to get to know local people and start to look at the world through others eyes.  This has a powerful effect as we realize that things my no be as black and white as we thought.  Indeed to understand things are not right or wrong but just…

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Team Arrive

24th January 2016 | Posted in Nigel's Blog

After a long journey the IM International Motors team arrived this morning.  A great way to do Corporate Social Responsibility, they have worked hard to raise funds as individuals and as a team. All their hard work is now here.  Today, by way of acclimatisation, they visit Tuol Slang – the infamous prison from Pol Pots dreadful rule of Cambodia.  Then into work…

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IM Group join us in Cambodia

23rd January 2016 | Posted in Nigel's Blog

So, left Sierra Leone on Monday and now in Cambodia working with wonderful partners Kevin and Lekenah Knight of  Manna4life.  This remarkable village that is being built out of the devastation of 400 families being forcibly evicted is truly remarkable.  Last year we brought a company team, as part of their CSR programme to produce a building that will enable…

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