Anti-Virus – A values approach

29th April 2021 | Posted in Nigel's Blog

We have had the honour of Santiago (Columbia) and Amanda (Brazil) with us for 3 days sharing about their anti- virus values program. What an inspiration.

One of the most difficult parts of what we are doing is addressing mindsets of those who have moved to Destiny. The brokenness of trauma and war, the lack of critical thinking through education, entrenched operating in the occult through secret societies and what call confabulation (thinking something is true when it is not just head the challenges.

We have some great programs, may of whom Sarah Boxall has written that cover many issues from FGM, gender based violence to health and safety and first aid. However, we understand that for people reach a peace in their lives, heart change is perhaps the best solution.

Anti virus covers 21 values including identity, honesty, dignity etc. then a group gets together and has a facilitated discussion. They then each take one specific action point away before they meet next week. One hour a week. Already the fun and learning suggests possibilities. There is an app at mision antivirus if you want to know more and get the engish version.

This offers real hope with this non-religious approach but goes deep with our values.

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