I first met Joe and Sarah 8 years ago. As I shared the vision for a new village, enabling thousands of people to start a new life and exit slums in Sierra Leone, their pioneering spirits were ignited. Over the years we have gone from a field on a deserted plantation, to Destiny Village, with nearly 300 people, 329 children in school, 64 homes, power water healthcare, training and so much more. The contribution they have made is truly significant and we honour them and give thanks to God for their love and persistence.
One memory is that when we started work there was no accommodation at the site. Joe turned a container in to a cross between a bedroom and an office and they both stayed there a couple of times a week. Sarah would set up and run training courses across a wide range of areas from health and safety to good relationships within the family.
Sierra Leone is a tough place to operate and live. They have thrived and built a home. They have contributed within Home Leone and in so many other ways. On Saturday we celebrated their time with us with the village residents, ate a huge meal and gathered round, sending them out with our blessing for the next season in their lives. I was really choked in my speech as the sadness at them no longer being part of Home Leone, is tinged by the joy of their excitement to grow and develop their own work and priorities. If you would like contact them, their new e mail is: info@spark2action.org
For any future Home Leone matters please can you contact our CEO Andrew Coulthard on andrew.coulthard@homeleone.org.