Hello everyone,
Sorry its been a while since I blogged. I have been desperately trying to sort out my communications. I have now managed to get a working mobile phone with local chips so I hope not to have to use my UK phone number from now until I get back. Dreading my next phone bill!!! I have also got a thing called Mi Fi…… which gives me internet access where ever I am………. however, please do note that its speed is fairly similar to the old style dialup……. So it takes ages to do anything!!
Right here’s my update;
Health….. remembering to take my malaria tablets daily, and eating and drinking well. No sign of deli belly. I havent been bitten or burnt. so generally well and comfortable.
Comms…… see above!
Sierra Leone……. I love it so far! The people I have met on my travels so far have been friendly and helpful. The signs of poverty are everywhere, but the people remain positive. (Even in the face of the Ebola Virus). I wonder if we (the UK) would as undeterred to “get on with things” in their position? I have watched lots of building work being undertaken….. and the banter of a building site is a world wide thing it seems!!
My next step is to get the land-rover taxed and insured so I am less dependent on my host. Followed by a visit to a potential house and base of operations. I’ll attach a picture or two. I hope you all like them. Prayers for land are much appreciated, as without it all I can do is prepare the way!!
God Bless
Scratch the photos……. I cant get them to upload….. I’ll have to think of another way!