Today brought moments of sadness and hope. We visited Susan’s bay where just a few weeks ago fire destroyed the homes of 1,597 families. Isatu, pictured with her baby, Aminata, shared with us her hopes and challenges.
The rains have already come and so few have shelter. tarpaulins and make shift shelters point to the deep suffering and almost despair of a resilient people. This disaster yet again points to the solution God has put on our hearts to share.
The area is built largely on banking. This is where land is reclaimed form the sea and tin body structures placed on them. Each year they flood and people die. Much remains unsafe. We hear ideas that we should “build back better” but the random race for shelter means a slum will soon be back and perhaps an opportunity lost. you see the challenge of land tenure in an informal area. Landlords having little money to rebuild and tenants under constant threat.
There is no school or healthcare in the community. Some great NGOs are there providing emergency response. We have been invited to a meeting of the responders to understand the next steps as the relief must turn to a plan.
We dwelt on the issues as a team. we have some ideas and looking at how we can make a contribution. The relocation and upgrade of slum ideas are in discussion but it will take a firm government will and series of difficult decisions if this mass of humanity are not to have more disaster visited on them. We are grateful for the opportunity to hear the actions and perhaps share some insights. These are real people in horrific circumstances. Thank you as you pray and walk with us on a long term solution.